Wednesday, March 12, 2008

my brain is in a blender

my brain feels like it's in a blender on full speed with no lid on - pieces are flying every which way. it sucks.

am i going to go to school am i going to get a student loan do i want a student loan was i really in africa did i do enough did i make a change did i make more of a problem why is it so cold why did i spend so much money will i get a summer job will i find a career will i be happy for the rest of my life do i want to move to toronto do i want to stay here why don't i have my license am i really living at home i'm swimming a lot it feels good i'm running a lot it feels good i've seen old friends that makes me happy i'm going dancing on friday yea what will i wear why do i care will i get a job what opportunities did i miss in swaziland how are my friends in zimbabwe my tan is fading coffee is expensive here what will i eat for dinner i should do some yoga i miss japan i love my jogging pants


Karlos said...

I think you forgot how to punctuate while you were in Africa!

i'm a fara girl ('fara' means JOYOUS in Shona) said...

no punctuation in my head brother. that's my brain working.... or not working depending on how you look at it.

kate L said...

Modern life, too many options eh. We have so much freedom sometimes it's overwhelming. That's a great thing about being pregnant, it has made my life very simple. It's all about nappies and breast pumps.
Enjoy the freedom, thinking of you.

i'm a fara girl ('fara' means JOYOUS in Shona) said...

btw karlos...did you read my 'poop' entry? i made special reference to you!

kate - can't wait to see photos of your daughter!!!!