Thursday, January 10, 2008

where's the beef?

When I was 18 or 19 I decided to become a ‘vegetarian’. Just like that, cold turkey, ha ha ha, I stopped eating meat, chicken and fish. I still ate dairy products however. It was really easy and I never really missed my old diet habits, except at Christmas when I would sneak gravy.
When I moved to Japan I decided to start eating fish. It was such an important part of their culture that I felt I really needed to participate in it. Some may call this weak. I guess my reasons for being a vegetarian weren’t that strong or animal based or I (hopefully) wouldn’t have started eating fish again. But wow, was it ever good. Sashimi…yum. Once I returned to Canada I continued eating fish.
Meat is a very important part of Swazi culture but I’ve never felt that by not eating it I was missing out on anything. I guess Japan had the appeal of food preparation and display whereas Swaziland does not. They braai it (bbq), chuck some sauce on it and that’s about it.
Despite that, I’ve been craving meat for the past month or so. Like really badly. I’ve been tired and experiencing low energy. A few weeks ago I thought “what the hell” and ate some meat. I can’t remember if it was chicken or meat. All I know is that it had once walked. Was alive. It tasted good. Really good.
Since then I’ve eaten chicken twice and springbok (sort of like a deer) once. I think I’m going to eat meat again. At least for a while. Maybe until I leave here? Until my body says enough.
Ran 5km last night. Played ultimate Frisbee afterwards. Ate chicken, rice and veggies. Damn it was good.

1 comment:

kate L said...

I've been eating meat again too...mainly because of being pregnant. What always surprises me is how good it tastes - and I get caught in a conundrum - one the one hand I think if it tastes so good, it must be natural for us to eat meat, on the other hand I feel sorry about eating cows because they're such lovely animals.
Disassociation works for me.