Thursday, February 21, 2008


only have a few minutes. i'd like to keep with my 'reflection' theme.

i've learnt so much about hiv/aids while being here. i feel bad trying to discuss it with 4 minutes of internet time left.

before coming here i never considered how hiv/aids affects the families, communities and societies of those with the disease. i only really thought of those who were ill and how awful it must be. dealing with the ramifications of hiv/aids is equally devasting to those who are impacted by it - regardless of their status.

swaziland has the highest rate of infection in the world - 1/3 adults according to most reports. women are especially affected and put at the highest risk. swaziland is a polygamous country. husbands often have more than one wife and almost always have a few girlfriends on the side. women cannot ask their partners to use protection as they are regarded as minors in society and men usually don't want to wear one. they must care for their sick family members and/or care for children whose parents are too sick and/or have died from the diease. there are over 60,000 orphans here - swaz has a population of 1 million.

the impact on hiv/aids can be felt economically too. with more and more adults too sick to work, less work is bing carried out. employees often have to miss work to care for family members and/or themselves. money that should be be used on food, education and living is spent on hospital bills.

i feel i am just beginning to understand this pandemic. i am embarassed at how little i thought about hiv/aids before coming here.

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