Thursday, April 3, 2008

boring blogging

could the contents of my recent blogs get any more boring? from the thrill of africa to the hum drum of job searching but such is my life at the moment. have applied for four jobs thus far and have had two interviews. that's pretty exciting in and of itself. both interviews went really well. i've been in touch with my references and so far no one has contacted them - which isn't a good sign but i know something will pop up. went to lawrence town beach with my mom over the weekend - damn it was cold. but oh so nice to smell the sweet nova scotian ocean air.

so life is pretty good. a tad lonely at times; most of my friends no longer live here and i'm rather a social butterfly but i've been out dancing every weekend and home no earlier than 5am so i really can't complain. have started dance classes again, working out 6 times a week and volunteering at the ywca. and of course i'm still 30 and fabulous :)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

interesting article

thought this was an interesting article. never got to visit a male circumcision clinic/event but i did meet a journalist who did and he said it was a very interesting experience.

my talk went really well on tuesday. i was worried that i'd be really nervous but i actually felt really good.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Public speaking

Tomorrow myself and 2 other interns will be giving a short 'Lunch and Learn' at the YWCA on Women's Rights in Swaziland. I'm pretty excited about it. I volunteered to introduce the topic and give a background to women's lives in the country. I wasn't sure I knew enough to give a speech or how well I knew my stuff. However it took me no time to come with an interesting (I hope) presentation and I'm eager to share what I've learned, seen and experienced.

I've been back for a month and it hardly seems possible. My tan is now gone and I still curse the weather every time I step outside.

I've applied for a few jobs and keeping my fingers crossed. I was going to go to a temp agency and just find any kind of job but now I've decided to take the month of April and really look for a good 'career' job. If I can land something I like, can learn from, and give to the community, I'll forgo school. I think I'd much rather take some time and get a job I love than go back to school. So over student loans.

PS Isn't this photo amazing. I was always impressed watching women walk about town like this.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

hire me!

the wonderful task of looking for a job is about to descend upon me. how i love job searching. there is nothing quite like cover letter and resume writing. when did it become such a BS speciality? i hate the super inflated type language that is required. why can't we just write like it is - i have a degree, i did well in school, i have the following skills ******, i enjoy ***** i can do the following **** i can bring the following*****. instead there's this whole 'resume' discourse out there and i hate it! maybe i should attempt the 'cut to the chase' approach - i won't waste your time and vise versa and lay on the line what i can do. hmmmm. it would be interesting to see what (if any) responses i'd get. if i wasn't on the brink of desperation i'd try. anyone know of any good jobs out there?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

my brain is in a blender

my brain feels like it's in a blender on full speed with no lid on - pieces are flying every which way. it sucks.

am i going to go to school am i going to get a student loan do i want a student loan was i really in africa did i do enough did i make a change did i make more of a problem why is it so cold why did i spend so much money will i get a summer job will i find a career will i be happy for the rest of my life do i want to move to toronto do i want to stay here why don't i have my license am i really living at home i'm swimming a lot it feels good i'm running a lot it feels good i've seen old friends that makes me happy i'm going dancing on friday yea what will i wear why do i care will i get a job what opportunities did i miss in swaziland how are my friends in zimbabwe my tan is fading coffee is expensive here what will i eat for dinner i should do some yoga i miss japan i love my jogging pants

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


it's almost been a week since i've been back. in some ways i feel like africa never happened...i'm not really thinking about it. i guess in some ways it's my consciouses way of dealing with returning.

i did have a mild 'episode' today. i went to the grocery store and ended up walking around, open mouthed, wide-eyed, for about 2 hours. it just seemed so intense. the size of the produce really scared me. the tomatoes were the size of my head - the apples too! everything was so shiny and perfect. i didn't see a fruit nor veggie with a blemish. everything was massive and perfectly shaped. everything was in tidy, orderly rows - how boring! and the variety - wow.

so many different types of breads, cheeses, sauces, cereals, shampoos and so forth. it was amazing. i had a few good laughs though. there are sooo many supplements on the market. it's ridiculous - truly truly. before i left i didn't question or even pay attention to all of the specialty foods/diets out there - gluten free, vegan friendly, organic, local, trans-fat free, calorie reduced, low-fat, low sodium, diabetic approved, no sugar added, no artificial colourings, low sugar, fair trade and so forth. we are lucky to have these choices. no only do we have MORE FOOD THAN NECESSARY, we can pick and chose how we want to eat.

i'm becoming irritated with the food culture in canada. we waste a lot. too much packaging is used. we are obsessed with low this, low that blah blah. i think we are so far removed from the land that we have no idea how food is grown - the time and energy that goes into it. it's just another commodity, just another thing we can spend our money on.

Monday, March 3, 2008


let's talk about poop shall we. i've never been travelling where the topic of the good ol'BM hasn't come up - either by me, my friends or complete strangers. not sure what it is about being away from 'home' but potty talk is a general theme while travelling.

i was very lucky while in africa. i never had diarrhea once! isn't that mad? or maybe once..but i can't quite remember. i was the only one who was regular the whole time. i had friends who couldn't go, were going none stop and/or just not feeling right. i could listen and share stories of my time in south-east asia but i didn't really have much to contribute. (PS Karl, your bus story in vietnam is still HANDS DOWN the best travel diarrhea story).

so my point....ever since i've been home i've been 'sick'. i dare not fart for fear of shitting myself. it sucks. i'm not alone - poor marisse is the same. what's up? i thought it was the water - to much processing? dairy? but now i think i've figured it out - caffeine. i've had nothing but instant coffee for the past 7 seven months (minus a few cups of 'filter' coffee here and there) and now i'm doing the latte thing (with soy milk). i think it's too hard on my system.

aren't you glad you read this post?