Wednesday, December 26, 2007

magical christmas

had the best christmas i've had since i was a child. on the 24th we decided to rent a car, drive into the namib (although we are already in it, so we just drove more into it), camp and see what happens. everyone here drives massive 4x4s and we ended up with a tiny 2-door hatchback. no worries. 4 girls who have never been in the desert before, two who have never camped, in a totally inadequate car. bring it on.

i could go on and on about how stunning, marvelous, beautiful, striking, fabulous, energetic, spiritual the desert is but i won't. i have never been anywhere like this before and i feel like if i never travel again i will be completely satisfied. we spent christmas eve around a campfire in the middle of the desert eating canned fish and beans underneath a cloudless, star filled, full moon lite sky. christmas day we drove to to namib-nauklift national park where we drove amongst sand dunes. i cannot even begin to describe the beauty. google it - sousselvei (or close enough) and look at the dunes.

everyone needs to visit this country.

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