Thursday, November 22, 2007

Cindy walks into my office yesterday and hands me a document that I had been looking for. I ask her how her weekend was. She tells me that she went to visit her brother who is sick. “He is infected” she states. Infected = HIV positive. She explains that he has recently started ARV treatment and is feeling much better. His wife, in denial of being infected, refused treatment and has died. So has his eldest daughter. I tell her I am very sorry and that I will pray for him (Swaziland must be the most religious country in the world). I normally don’t pray but I did last night. She thanks me and asks for some computer training when I have some time. I say no problem and she leaves my office.

I’ve been thinking about this conversation all day. To tell a virtual stranger something so personal in such a public and open setting has left me speechless. I have no idea how to describe how I’m feeling. To her and to too many Swazis, the reality of HIV/AIDS is nothing shocking nor worthy of a ‘private’ conversation. Swaziland has the highest rate of HIV/AIDS in the world. You honestly can’t go more than an hour without hearing someone talk about it, read a billboard about it or read a newspaper in which the topic isn’t discussed on every page. EVERY PAGE. EVERY DAY. ALL DAY.

December 1st is World AIDS day. Please wear a red ribbon.

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