Tuesday, August 14, 2007

"Prices rolled back to June 18th"

As I'm sure you know, Zim has the highest inflation in the world. As I walk around town (differing from the 'downtown' area which is forbidden to me) I see signs advertising price rollbacks. Imagine that reducing prices to what the products were selling for A FEW WEEKS AGO would make a difference. It would be like "Prices reduced to 1970" or something like that.
I have seen some empty shelves in supermarkets and there is a limit to the amount of milk you can purchase (about 1 litre) but there is milk, bread and butter. I even purchased yogurt yesterday.
It's only been 2 days and I have so much to learn. Prices are all in the hundreds of thousands. It takes so long to count out your money as the biggest bill is $100,000. I had a purchase of over $2 million dollars - my 'purse' is filled with bills - as is everyone elses. It is going to be an interesting few months.

1 comment:

buttercup said...

Gald to hear you made it safely. Do you also have access to your hotmail account? LB loves your bike; he's been up and down the driveway on it a few times and says it rolls wonderfully.
Have fun and take care.